Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How I Got 1000 Twitter Followers Overnight?


I created my twitter account a year back or so, but I never concentrated or used it effectively. Till yesterday night my twitter follower’s count is 460+, but now it’s 1470. How I earned them overnight? It’s very simple; I just invested $9.99 to get that count. See how it worked for me…

Recently I started getting good traffic from twitter and found the ways to earn money from twitter. So I planned to increase my followers count, so that I can get good offers from sources like Sponsoredtweets :) . For that I searched web and landed in an awesome source called, who helped me to get 1000 followers within no time.
# How it Works
BuyTwitterFriends is an automated system which will install genuine twitter followers into your account. All that you need to Do is, just provide your username & password to them; they will take care of the rest to give you the followers.
The costs are very cheap compare to the benefits & revenue you get back from it. I brought 1000 followers just for $9.99 and I earned $3 already from Sponsoredtweets. So, it’s a worth to spend business right?
Here are the packages they are providing and I’m going to buy 10,000 followers package now in this week or next week.

# Guaranteed Return on Investment
How will it be a guaranteed return? Here is how, there are many sites coming up like Sponsoredtweets, they will pay you for each tweet depending on your followers count. As per the current market, if you have 10,000 followers, you will get paid at least $5 to $10 for each tweet you do.
I believe this way it’s going to be a huge income source in the future. I’m not saying you that purely depend on buying the followers. But, before following you, most of the people will look at your followers count. If you have respectable count there, it’s easy for you to get them followed.
Hope I’ll get all my investment $9.99 within a week or so. After that I’ll immediately buy 10,000 followers package and then I’ll try manually to get more followers.
Should you have any further queries? Contact BuyTwitterFollowers
Hope you found it useful. How you get followers? Share with us! Happy Blogging!!

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